Texas Chapter of American College of Healthcare Administrators
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ACHCA Connect Network

ACHCA Connect Network: This members-only service lets you connect instantly with colleagues across the country through an online network. The peer to peer discussions cover a broad range of topics.  Examples include PPS, 5-Star, policies & procedures, finance and staffing issues. To participate, all you need is a computer, Internet access, an email address, andContinue Reading

Certification & Fellowship

Professional certification validates specialized knowledge, indicates professional growth, and enhances professional credibility as well as providing intrinsic rewards of personal satisfaction and accomplishment. Certified administrators have reported in the ACHCA member satisfaction survey an increased access to job-related authority and better professional opportunities in their workplace. Furthermore, the recognition of administrators’ knowledge and expertise isContinue Reading


Get involved…. Join ACHCA Invest in your profession and your career. ACHCA’s network of colleagues, products and services are designed to help you. ACHCA is the ONLY organization that represents health care administrators. Other organizations represent facilities, companies and corporate concerns and interests but, the very reason for existence of ACHCA is to support healthContinue Reading